Patrick McGinlay's Internet Tendency

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March 26, 2003

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Just before walking into the cinema to see the media review premiere of Ned Kelly, I was thinking to myself… "geez" I said, what other country in the world has a person who robbed and stole for a living, as a national icon that has endured the years. Maybe I should feel proud about my Centrelink debt, hey I mean I don't use a gun, but maybe if I grew a cool beard…

Speaking of beards, this film has the best array of facial hair art ever seen on film, bar none, nearly every character in this film has a different beard. Personally I never knew so many different styles of beard even existed, there should be some kind of award for this, and if you people out there get bored e-mail me your choice for the "best beard in Ned Kelly" award. ## ##

But hey getting back to the film, it was great, even inspiring. Not only do we get to learn about how Australia's early answer to Che Guevara came about… (well Ned was revolutionary, and stuck it up 'em), but we get to see some beautiful colonial native flora and fauna, and even how country towns used to look, without having to go all the way out to Sovereign Hill. The final shootout at Glenrowan was a personal highlight and made me wonder who did in fact invent the bullet-proof vest, let alone the letter-box helmet.

Anyways, go and see the film, do your country and its history a favour and maybe even grow a cool ole-styled beard and start the trend that's bound to happen sooner or later. My only disappointments were that all the blueberry muffins were gone when I got there and that I didn't find that Herald-Sun film reviewer, Leigh Paatsch, or whatever his name is and give him a piece of my mind, coz his reviews stink...

… thanx people, enjoy…

Stars: Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Naomi Watts
Release Date: March 27th, 2003
Rated: MA
Running Time: 110 minutes
Showing: General release


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